Saturday, 21 November 2015

Why Bad bitches Get Money?

To those of you who do not know me, i am Kagiso Mokoena and i am from the East of Johannesburg Kempton Park to be exact. I am the one that founded #BadBitchesGetMoney Movement and i just wanted to elaborate or rather clear up some rumors that have been going around about my movement. Please feel free to comment below with your own personal opinion.

I started this Movement about 2 to 3 years ago being inspired by the new age of Hip Hop and Beautiful women who are independent, smart and are career driven i then realized that there was a gap in inspiring the younger group of women. It is unconventional, strong and unorthodox especially in our country that is " selectively conservative", i had no idea that this would grow as much as it has in a short amount of time and i was skeptical about the reaction from my followers and people in general. But i just followed my gut feeling and i can fairly say it came together just fine!

A lot of self proclaimed critics, thanks to twitter, have had plenty to say about this movement saying that it perpetuates prostitution or being a gold digger which is completely wrong! i would never encourage anybody to belittle themselves to that extent in order to get money. I believe in Hard work, education and preparation, I was unintentionally taught from that you had to work hard for everything and never to rely on anybody to do you anything for you, i am only 23 and i have had to come to terms with the fact that our parents can only set us up for today but tomorrow is in my own hands. I have never expected hand outs, i barely ask for any help when it comes to my hardships because i feel as though i will never really learn and grow if i do not allow myself to go through the pain. So growing up i needed some sort of motivation to have a hard exterior, it was difficult at first but as time went by i figured that the brain is an amazing gift to have, when i needed to get through public speaking at school i would channel my inner bad ass self and i would become someone else for that time period just to get rid of the nerves, it was my alter ego and i use that till this day. People constantly come up to me and say ' You are so confident and comfortable in your skin, how do you do it?' and my answer would be i become a BAD BITCH. We all have her inside of us, that girl that just wants to feel beautiful and strong without a care in the world!!! I become this girl every single time i walk into a business meeting, i am her when i need to get things done, i am her when i discuss my Finances. She is always ready for war and ready to speak her mind. She is dominant and proud!

Once i become this girl absolutely NOTHING can stop me! That is when i realized that most people are just like myself, soft and polite which meant that people could take advantage of them and who were the most vulnerable? WOMEN especially the younger women, you are automatically thrown into competition by the time you enter puberty, feeling like you are not pretty enough or curvy enough, not knowing how to feel as well. But during that phase when all is confusing i believe that you just need to focus on what really matters in the Long run which is your Education and finding stability at a later age. It then hit me that the only things that would never really leave your side is your knowledge, success and financial freedom hence the words BAD BITCHES GET MONEY.

"Good Girls Seldom Make History"- Marilyn Monroe

Show me a good girl and i will show her bad side. For instance Beyonce is a cross between a Good Woman and a Bad Bitch, she is able to channel her Bad girl side in order for her to succeed at things, like how on stage she becomes a complete different person to who she is at home. Being a Bad Bitch is not about getting drunk at the club or having  multiple sexual partners, it is a state of mind! A feeling! A Mood! A Vibe!

I want every woman to take charge of their sexuality and enjoy their life before adhering to what society wants them to be! A Mother and a Wife, why can you not be a CEO before all that?

"Why can we have standards when it comes to looks but when it comes to finances?"- Catherine Portes

Another part of Bbgm. I want women to be successful so that when she has standards about being with a wealthy partner she does not get labelled a GOLD DIGGER. I want you to bring your children in world better that what you lived in, i want you to be able to go on holiday when you are tired. And that comes with being in a relationship that elevates and ups your value! That is all i ask, DO NOT SETTLE FOR LESS when  you are a Queen, be with a King!

I hope you now understand just a little better about my Movement

Follow my Social Media Accounts
Instagram: @Official_KandyBoi
Twitter: @IamKandyBoi
Facebook Pages: KandyBoi

And a Big S/O to my beautiful queen @Thick_Leeyonce for wearing my Tshirt and for your support, continue being beautiful inside and out! I Love You!

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Why Bad bitches Get Money?

To those of you who do not know me, i am Kagiso Mokoena and i am from the East of Johannesburg Kempton Park to be exact. I am the one t...