It takes a lot of pain to become a Strong person, it does not happen overnight. I have learned that in the past few growing from my teenage years to becoming a fairly mature and well grounded 23 year old. I go through my life with an open mind, no judgement and always willing to learn more through communication and allowing life to take charge of the paths. I am truly obsessed with beautiful women that are about their education and careers, seeing that growth from then honestly makes me so happy and that's how the BBGM movement came about. It is about pure motivation, its vulgar and gangster but that's how you have to be as a woman in business or life, you cannot be polite in business. So in turn having "BITCH'' persona or exterior its a survival tactic. Most that have become BITCHES have been hurt deeply by a lot of situations in their lives. I know a lot of women who are complete sweethearts once you get to understand their thought process and what they are trying to achieve. I say be that girl that takes no prisoners, be selfish in a sense to find pure peace with yourself. Love yourself enough to do what makes you happy!!
Its a simple switch. Just turn it on and off when appropriate. Be a Boss. A Boss in all Aspects of your Life.
So down here I will draft down a few steps that I think you should take as a young woman who feels like world is too heavy on your shoulders. I spend a lot of time with Women and young girls that I've given advice to and its working for them. Steps that I've used in my Life as well.
My Personal Process
Step One: I have always been a straight talker but I will never forget being respectful. So you first need to get a Diary and write down what makes you happy. It can be anything. Fashion, Travel or Reading. Ensure that at least once a week, just one you squeeze in personal time to achieve that happiness. You may be as busy as a Bee but always prioritise that Time, to make sure that its always there ensure that the whole household knows when its your time so that nobody bothers you. Make it a routine.
Step Two: Now this is what I call the step that will test your consciousness towards your life, what I did when I wanted to feel free what cut off all my hair. In high school I had a lot of hair, so I chopped it all off and it was liberating, but that was not good enough in my subconscious. I then sat down and starting thinking about the types of people I like to have around my space and to just protect my energy, I started to get rid of dead weight. Which started with toxic friendships and so forth, I made my circle a lot smaller. Small enough to know who to always call when I actually needed a friend. I have since been happier.
Step Three: Always be ready to learn and understand new things which is what I think keeps us going. This goes back to my first step. Once you find what makes you happy its easier to appreciate and learn from life. For example, Travel. Moving from one place to another is liberating, speaking to a stranger is amazing, learning new cultures will help you appreciate yours. Being stagnant in your Education will only keep you in one place, you cannot grow without knowledge. So I definitely do vouch for Travel.
As black children we are always taught that you need to take care of home which I do not agree with, although its extremely important I don't think that it is viable. We are taught to work backwards that is why there is so much poverty in our community. I say work ahead, always. If you will always work backwards, you lose sight of your future. Your parents struggles are not your, their challenges are not yours. You need to live your life and focus on the future but do assist when necessary.
You have to grow and build your life.
I will be doing an in depth discussion on this topic and more in video versions with my close friends and family just so you understand my point of view.
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